Friday 24 April 2015

French Line Infantry

I guess this figure was one, if not the first, figure in the Ros 25mm range. In my opinion it is horrible, and indeed, on another forum it was described as the worst wargame figure. The problem is that the head is too big and the shako is the wrong shape. Anyway, like any good wargames army of the Napoleonic period I have loads of them. The uniform appears to be from the mid Napoleonic period, with above the knee high gaiters and shako cords. I have examples painted as line fusiliers and some as line light infantry chasseurs:

1 comment:

  1. A classic in its way! I never took to the French infantry at all, though I have to say they look a lot better painted up as nicely as this. I never understood why they didn't just remaster the figure, considering that the French artillery was not bad at all. I still have a French drummer and the pointing officer somewhere in my army, though they they both have replacement heads to match figures by other makers.

    At the time I judged this Frenchman as my personal Plug-Ug Award winner, I was less familiar with some of the later Warrior efforts, not to mention some of the last productions from Falcata - notably the 30YW range.

    Still memorable, though! Thanks for showing these.

    Regards - Tony
